Legion of Mary::Our Lady of the Rosary::

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

World AIDS Day

1st December marks World AIDS Day. AIDS has killed more than 25 million people, making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. You can do a part by praying for the people affected with the disease. in kenya, where an estimated 20% of people have HIV - the church condemns condoms for promoting promiscuity and repeats the claim about permeability. The archbishop of Nairobi, Raphael Ndingi Nzeki, said: "Aids... has grown so fast because of the availability of condoms."...rmb condoms can still make us 10%++ at risk of the disease.

"Dearest Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe,Mother of the poor and the oppressed,we watch full of reverenceand joy as St. Francis andSt. Aloysius bring the gifts of these two people afflicted with AIDSto the Holy Child in your arms,who is so eager to receive them.Teach us to find and embraceyour Son Jesus in all peoples,but most especially those whoare in greatest need and who suffer most. Amen"

Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise.


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